2006 and up Honda Civic Si TWM Performance Shift Boot Installation Manual.2006 and up Honda Civic Si TWM Performance Shift Boot Installation Manual. Begin the installation by parking on a flat surface, as you may have to engage and disengage the hand brake and shift from gears to neutral. If you cannot do so and are obliged to install the shift boot on a slightly inclined surface, place wooden blocks in front or behind the wheels to prevent the car from moving while you’re working. Pull the emergency brake up to prevent the car from moving while you work. Looking down at the shift knob, turn the jam nut beneath the shift knob clockwise using a 14 mm wrench to loosen it.Remove the staples holding the shift boot to the plastic ring. A small flat head screwdriver or needle nose pliers can be used to pry the staples out. Use the wire cutters or scissors to cut off the extra length of zip tie. In order to ensure a smooth surface on the zip tie that will not damage the inside of the shift boot, trim it as pictured to the lower left. Cut the tie wrap so that the wire cutters remove a corner of the tie wrap head as well, instead of just trimming the excess length. This ensures a very smooth surface free of sharp edges as there will be no protruding tie wrap if it is cut in this manner. Now turn the shift boot right side out to prepare to mount it to the plastic base. Install the TWM shift boot on to the plastic base without removing the backing from the double-sided tape yet. The sewn flaps on either side of the shift boot should line up with the indentations on either side of the plastic base. In addition, the rectangular notches along the bottom of the TWM shift boot should line up with the 4 tabs that extend from the bottom of the plastic base as pictured to the left. If these do not line up, remove the boot and rotate it 180 degrees to line up the grooves and rectangular notches with the tabs.
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2006 and up Honda Civic Si TWM Performance Shift Boot Installation Manual
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